Frequently asked questions

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TeamifAI's generative AI utilises both your project team specific requirements, as well as your company's profile network in order to produce optimal team recommendations. When you create a new Team Dashboard, TeamifAI will use many elements of the project critical information, examples being team summary, required skills, project timelines and commercials. TeamifAI cross references all of the project and team requirements with your company's profile database, in order to select the best candidates for a successful team.

One of TeamifAI's main objectives is to help teams come together, support each other's work more cohesively. TeamifAI helps achieve team synergy with the use of a number of features that allow each team member to be better understood and supported. Personality assessments, ways or working preferences, support preferences and communication plans generated by the team generation AI, are all used to ensure the best possible working environment for team members.

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