Receive real time reports on utilisation

Forecast and highlight utilisation hotspots and dips with real time reports on utilisation across all teams in your organisation. 

Submit Skills Assessments to ensure the right fit

Send tailored assessments to potential team members to ensure correct fit for the role.

Request project profiles from team members

Send Project Resume requests to potential team members.

Understand how to help the team succeed and feel supported with personality driven team intelligence insights

TeamifAI helps your teams flourish and break down barriers of communication with intelligent team personality insight and recommendations.

Capture and measure team specific requirements and goals

The Team Summary page allows you to create a clear breakdown of everything your teams need to know in order to be successful including:

Manage and store team related documents Create detailed team reports Manage team commercials

TeamifAI’s Project Dashboards help you manage all of your project documentation, reporting commercials. Each Project Dashboard contains all the necessary section to ensure no detail is missed.

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